For such beautiful flowers you do require some beautiful vases. Vases have also gradually grown to become important as well. The concept of using vases has also changed. Previously vases were viewed to hold flowers only but in recent times they are being used in so many ways. Not just as flower vases. They are being used to highlight a specific space or used as a statement piece which can be flaunted. Vases can be used all around the house. You just need to figure out the type and purpose of those vases. 

Here are a few tips and ideas on how you can beautifully decorate your space with vases. 

  • Choose your style

 It is always important to pick one style while decorating your interior spaces. This will not help you to decorate but will make your selection process much easier. You will be able to understand your space and style much easier. So decide your style. 

If you want your house to look simple and elegant, then choose some plain elongated vases. Avoid using bulky vases. If you're up for glam, then go with some royal antique vases. If you like some authentic and natural look, you could go with terracotta vases. This will create a character or personality for your space. 

How to decorate your home with beautiful vases

  • Fusion of sizes

 Using just one vase all around could be a little boring. It will look plain and boring. Just experimenting with different sizes will work wonders in your interiors. There are ways you work with sizes. They will add a sense of visual depth to your space.

You can keep a small cluster of vases of different sizes. You can keep flowers according to the sizes. You can keep these clusters on your side tables. Or you can keep them according to the space. If you happen to have a large space, place a large vase as it will cover up a good amount of space. 

  • Color collab

 Not just sizes, the concept works with colors and textures as well. Having a combination of different colors will make space look lively. But with colors, go according to the color palette of your space. Or if you want a look to stand out, then go with contrast. 

Now for colors, if your theme has very limited color tones, then your vases can be of a similar color palette. Experiment with hues and shades of that color. That is if you want a clean and simple look. If you like contrast then explore colors. Add colors to your space using vases. 

  • Miniature models

 If you want to create some interesting and unique visuals, you could go for tiny, Miniature vases. They will not be suitable for flowers but will definitely add an aesthetic value. This is a nice way to add decor to your space. 

You can keep many clusters of such vases around your house. They will look very pretty and unique. These clusters can be kept anywhere in your house. You can decorate them on your side tables or even near your mirror. If required you can keep tiny flowers in them. This way your space will have a little touch of nature as well. 

How to decorate your home with beautiful vases

  • Statement piece

 Statement pieces are trending these days. Big and bold vases could be the element of attraction. These statement pieces instantly change the look and feel of your home. They make it look beautiful by standing out and converting your dull spots.

These statement vases can be anything. An oversized vase or a royal antique vase or even a bright colored vase. The objective is to highlight and stand out. So choose any vase which will do just that. It could have texture and pattern variations. All these elements can become a part of your statement vase. 

  • Rule of 3

 This is an important rule in design. It is important to understand this rule in order to get the perfect home interiors. This rule works for anything in design. Be it your colors, textures or even your decor piece. All these combined will create a gorgeous interior space. 

This rule as the name says group of three. Whatever you keep will be in a group of three. Three vases, three sizes, three colors etc. Keeping this in mind will make your vase clusters look amazing. So if you are keeping a group of vases, keep them in a group of three. 

How to decorate your home with beautiful vases

  • Explore 

 Explore everything you can. All different types of vases. Ceramic vases, crystal vases, decorative vases and so much more. All these types of vases can be easily found on Whispering Homes. An online platform for buying vases. They have beautiful selection of vases. They have very unique and decorative vases. 

You can use a variety of their vases while decorating your home. You can find many unique vases which could work as statement pieces for your home. Shop unique and classic vases online on Whispering Homes. 

Hopefully all these tips and ideas will work greatly for your style and home. Make sure to first understand the style before you start decorating. You will always find your type of vase online. Just keep looking out for it and select what would fit the best. 

  1. 1 Juliette Glass Vase - S3 - Teal Green Grey

    How to decorate your home with beautiful vases

    Old world charm Romancing the modern aesthetics and Voila! You have the perfect accessory for your home. You will never go wrong with Juliette vases for your home décor or a gifting choice, for you get a genuinely uber stylish look. Juliette Vases are perfect for your beautiful house. So what are you thinking? Time to grab them now.

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