For you and your child, navigating the 11 Plus exams in Dagenham may be like steering a maze. The 11 Plus reading comprehension component frequently stands out as a crucial point among the many disciplines and abilities to acquire. It’s similar to learning how to use a compass to traverse new land when you don’t know exactly where to go. Even though it can seem overwhelming, mastering the fundamentals of 11 Plus reading comprehension doesn’t have to be as challenging as climbing Mount Everest.

This article will explain practical ways to improve 11 Plus reading comprehension, allowing students to handle challenging texts and problems comfortably.

What is The Role of Reading Comprehension in 11 Plus English in Dagenham?

Reading comprehension on the 11 Plus Grammar School tests evaluates a student’s capacity to comprehend, assess, and interpret texts of all kinds. Mastering comprehension skills is essential as students encounter complex texts that call on them to decode language, draw conclusions, and recognise crucial themes. 

A significant number of 11 Plus English test questions involve reading comprehension, frequently assessed in conjunction with 11 Plus verbal and nonverbal thinking. These abilities directly affect pupils’ performance on Dagenham 11 Plus exams and other similar assessments.

How to Improve 11 Plus Reading Comprehension in Dagenham

Your involvement as a parent is critical in assisting your child in succeeding on the 11 Plus reading comprehension test. You may use various methods to help your child succeed, including developing a good reading habit and familiarising them with the exam format.

  1. Read Extensively

Reading various texts daily is the most effective strategy to improve 11 Plus reading comprehension abilities. Learn how to engage your youngster in reading here. You may also inspire your child by demonstrating good reading habits. Showing your child that reading is something you do for fun or leisure might have an impact. Reinforce this with positive comments.

  • If you’re reading with your child, ask them questions regarding the narrative. This will help children develop the habit of examining and understanding what they read.

  • Allow children to read whatever interests them, whether comic novels or scholarly papers.

  1. Expand on What You Know

A lack of prior information is one of the biggest obstacles to reading comprehension. Read fiction and nonfiction works that discuss the same or related subjects. For instance, read a picture book with pigs as characters and a factual book on pigs. When discussing facts against fiction, you can bring up facts from nonfiction books.

  • Before reading the material, ensure that all pupils comprehend essential terminology and concepts so everyone is on the same page (literally). 

  • This allows students to make inferences and connections between the text and what they already know, levelling the playing field regarding past knowledge.

  1. Seek Expert Assistance

Reliable knowledge is crucial to achieving performance on the 11 Plus test. 11 Plus Tutoring is a premier test preparation company, and its skilled 11 Plus tutors in Dagenham give personalised guidance to improve reading ability. Drawing on years of demonstrated expertise, they enhance students’ skills and confidence and offer helpful approaches to strengthening their 11 Plus reading comprehension and inference skills.

  • Students remain motivated and involved when they use activities and reading materials that are specific to them.

  • Interactive sessions enhance vocabulary and memory, which boosts confidence and exam scores.

  1. Try to Summarise

Allow them to stop reading if they lose attention or become confused. Now, without re-reading, describe what they have learnt so far (before they were confused). Examine the text and compare how they have summarised it to what appears on the page. Have you caught the key points? Do you feel more focused on what’s going on now that they’ve translated the information into their own words?

  • Continue reading with the summary in mind, and allow yourself to pause and repeat the process if the text becomes unclear to them. 

  • The more they can understand the material in their terms, the more they will grasp and remember what they read.

  1. Improve Their Vocabulary

Improving reading comprehension and general communication abilities requires an extensive vocabulary. Introduce new words to your child regularly to help their language development. Spend time explaining these terms’ definitions to help them grasp them better. By including these new words in regular discussions, you may encourage them to practise using them. 

  • You may also use read-aloud techniques to assist pupils in understanding how to acquire new vocabulary. 

  • List all the new terms they know or wish to learn, and demonstrate how to utilise context clues to determine meaning. 


Developing your children’s lifetime love of study, improving their 11 Plus reading comprehension abilities, and teaching them how to reason critically and effectively are all essential aspects of the journey to the Dagenham 11 Plus test. The abilities they develop today will benefit this test, their future academic pursuits, and life.

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