Tenants are legally entitled to live in accommodation that is kept in a reasonable state of repair. If this is not the case, it may be worth considering making a Housing disrepair claim against your landlord.

A solicitor who specialises in this type of legal claim can help you with the process. They can provide advice based on the specifics of your situation, and they can also assist you in gathering evidence.

Legal Assist

Legal Assist If you’ve reported issues to your landlord and given them a reasonable amount of time to address them, yet they’re still not addressed or ignored, you could be entitled to compensation. Disrepair can include anything from damp and mould to faulty heating or broken windows. However, the most severe disrepair issues are those affecting health and safety.

The first step is to inform your landlord of the issue, ideally with photographic evidence. It’s also important to keep records of all correspondence with your landlord, including dates and details of any attempts you make to resolve the issue.

A housing solicitor can help you to pursue legal action if necessary. Specialist solicitors will review your case, consider the severity of the disrepair and its impact on your life, and advise you of the next steps. They’ll communicate with your landlord, advising them of the legal requirements, and attempt to resolve the matter without resorting to court proceedings.

Tenants can claim compensation for various costs incurred as a result of living in disrepair, including repair costs, financial compensation for losses and damage to personal belongings, and a reduction or refund of rent. The exact amount of compensation depends on the severity and extent of the disrepair, but it can run into thousands of pounds. Imperium Law can advise you on the amount of compensation you may be entitled to, helping you to claim what you deserve.

Pre-Action Protocol

Landlords and tenants have contractual obligations to ensure that properties are fit for habitation. However, sometimes problems arise where disputes occur as to who is responsible for what repairs and when they must be completed. This can lead to frustration on both sides which may result in the tenant lodging a disrepair claim against the landlord.

Disputes can often be resolved without the need to take matters to court and it is important for both parties to attempt to do so. The Pre-Action Protocol sets out a series of steps that both parties must follow to resolve the matter. Those steps include sending a letter of claim to the other party detailing the issues, any previous attempts to have those issues addressed and outlining what they would like as a remedy, whether that be repairs or compensation.

Both parties must also consider if any form of alternative dispute resolution is suitable for the case and if so try to agree an intermediary. The courts take the view that litigation should be a last resort and will consider the extent to which both parties comply with the Protocol when making management direction or costs orders.

It is important for both parties to provide evidence to support the claims made. This can include reports from medical professionals if health issues have arisen or surveys from expert surveyors to demonstrate the state of the property.


Tenants are entitled to live in a property that is safe for them and their family. If your landlord fails to meet their legal duties, you may be able to make a claim for damages. A solicitor can guide you through the process of making a disrepair claim and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Upon consultation, your solicitor will carefully evaluate the details of your case. They will review the evidence, assess the severity of the disrepair, and consider how it has impacted your quality of life. They will then begin negotiations with your landlord to secure a timeline for repairs and an agreement on any compensation you are entitled to.

If your landlord refuses to make the necessary repairs, your solicitor will initiate legal proceedings. This can be a lengthy process, but our experienced solicitors will remain on your side throughout the process, ensuring that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to.

Our team is renowned for our skill in negotiation. We are able to achieve the best possible settlements for our clients, without having to go through court proceedings. We are also able to help you with any costs you have incurred, such as the cost of renting alternative accommodation or the expense of buying and running a dehumidifier to tackle damp conditions.

Court Representation

Living with disrepair in your rented home can be extremely distressing and damaging. Dampness can trigger respiratory or health issues, while broken heating or electrics pose a fire risk and leave your belongings vulnerable to damage. As a tenant, you have the right to demand safe and habitable conditions in your rented property. Recent legislation has strengthened tenants’ rights, and landlords have a legal obligation to provide such conditions.

A housing solicitor at Imperium Law can help you claim the compensation you deserve. They will thoroughly evaluate your case, review all evidence and considerations, and negotiate with your landlord on your behalf. They will try to resolve the issue through the pre-action protocol, but if your landlord refuses to take action, they will prepare the case for court and represent you throughout the process.

The amount of compensation you receive will be based on the severity and duration of the disrepair, how it impacts your life, and any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the condition. The solicitors at Imperium Law are highly experienced in this area, and they will be able to give you a realistic estimate of your potential compensation based on previous cases and current legal standards. The team also understands the emotional impact of living with disrepair and can support you through this difficult time.

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