Do you know the difference between these two joint-related surgical procedures? If not, you have come to the right place. This informative material helps you understand these treatments and their benefits in a concise and effective way.

What is arthroplasty and why do we need it?

Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure where a damaged or diseased joint is treated to relieve the symptoms of pain, inflammation, tenderness, stiffness, and physical disability.   

Assume your joint has been chronically suffering from the condition of osteoarthritis where soft-tissue cartilage has worn down completely. Hence, joint bones have started rubbing against each other, giving rise to pain and mobility issues.

In that case, arthroplasty is suggested and degenerated joint parts are removed. After the removal of the useless parts, the joint is resurfaced.

For resurfacing, artificial parts (implants or prostheses) are used, which are made of metal and plastic.

If you want to consult the best arthroplasty specialist, visit the following link: best robotic knee replacement surgeon in India.

Types of arthroplasty

There are the following types of arthroplasty:

  • Total Arthroplasty—This means the joint in question will be replaced completely. 
  • Partial Arthroplasty—The concerned joint will only be operated on by the doctor partially as under the partial knee replacement.    
  • Bilateral Arthroplasty—If both your knees are to be replaced at once, it is called bilateral arthroplasty. 
  • Staged Bilateral Arthroplasty—If a surgeon is going to replace both knees but one after another, it is called staged bilateral arthroplasty. 
  • Revision Arthroplasty—When your original artificial implants have suffered dislocation or loosening, you will require a revised arthroplasty to correct the situation.

What is robotic arthroplasty?

This is a misconception that if it is a robotic arthroplasty or replacement, a robot is going to operate the entire surgery.

The truth of robotic replacement surgery is that it is just an assistive instrument in the hand of a surgeon. If a surgeon isn’t experienced and well-qualified, even robotic assistance before and during the surgery is of no use.

The most important piece of advice is that you must first find a good orthopedic surgeon and if you have found one, it doesn’t matter whether there is any involvement of robotic assistance or not.

In robotic arthroplasty, a surgeon uses advanced imaging technologies to create a 3D model of a patient’s joint; this 3D model attempts to resemble the characteristic features of the patient.

Then, with the help of this model version of the joint as a guide, the surgeon will attempt to make accurate cuts and place implants precisely.

This robotic modelling is done in order to minimise the risk of human errors and ensure as much precision as possible. 

Advantages of Robotic Arthroplasty 

The following are the characteristic features of robotic arthroplasty.

Customised Pre-Planning: The most beneficial part of robotic surgery is that the surgeon can have an overview of your joint without making any surgical incisions at all. The surgeon can create a model of the concerned joint that resembles the original one.

This pre-operative modelling allows the surgeon to plan an arthroplasty in a better way.   

Pre-Selection of Artificial Implants: When the surgeon can create a model of the original joint before surgical invasion, they can also select artificial implants pre-operation so that it won’t take so long to carry out the surgical intervention.

Precise Insertion of Artificial Joint: With the help of robotic arthroplasty, a surgeon will have the flexibility to choose the most customised implants for the patient in question as the joint’s anatomical peculiarities are already before the surgeon in the form of a 3D model.

Precise Osteotomy and Optimum Alignment: When there is the most precise mapping of a particular patient’s joint, it enables a surgeon to study the typicalities of the joint and perform the most accurate cutting of the concerned bones—osteotomy and this also helps in achieving optimum alignment.

More Accurate Implant Placement: Robotic arthroplasty also reduces the chances of implant placement errors.

Reduced Soft Injuries: When a surgeon uses robotic technologies to build the 3D model of the patient’s joint before surgery to pre-plan a replacement, it is bound to promote reduced soft injuries.

In robotic arthroplasty, your joint muscles and other soft parts are less prone to sustain unexpected injuries.

Less Invasive: Arthroplasty can be very invasive if the surgeon happens to expose the concerned joint too much and it can lead to a higher risk of infection post-surgery.

Fast Recovery: Robotic replacements and arthroplasty help people recover faster.

Implant Longevity: Arthroplasty through the aid of robotic imaging and arms helps achieve a higher level of accuracy and place the implants precisely avoiding any risks and complications post-operation.

Better Quality of Life: Finally, due to better placement of implants, reduced soft injuries, customised surgery planning, and less invasion, an arthroplastic treatment offers better results allowing the operated person to lead a more active and positive lifestyle afterwards.  

What is non-robotic arthroplasty and which one is best for the patient?

In the above section, we have discussed what robotic arthroplasty is along with its numerous benefits.

Let’s now talk about non-robotic arthroplasty. 

When an experienced surgeon operates on an affected joint or performs arthroplasty without any sort of involvement of robotic technologies, this is non-robotic arthroplasty.

A well-qualified joint specialist can perform an arthroplasty without robotic aid but the latter is useless without the existence of the former.

Hence, it is of great importance that you, first of all, place emphasis on finding the right orthopedic doctor. Whether it is with robotic assistance or not, the most important thing is that you connect with the right joint doctor.

It is so because, at the end of the day, a qualified human being is what matters most as even the smartest machinery cannot work on its own or through an under-qualified doctor.


If you need to find the best orthopedic hospital in Delhi, visit this link. Furthermore, if you have any bone and joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, don’t ignore the condition. Talk to a doctor as soon as possible.

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