The excitement of biking is one of a kind, and for many of us, it was our first taste of reckless abandon as we pedaled madly on our new toy. 

The effort and number of falls incurred while attempting to perfect the bike’s balancing act were quickly forgotten as we reveled in the freedom to ride the bike whenever we wanted and to go anywhere, we pleased. 

Presumably, at that time, bicycle tires and their maintenance would have been the last thing on our minds. 

As we proceeded, we understood the importance of maintaining these wheels and how a malfunction might practically make us helpless. 

At that time, we had also acquired different advice and understood immediately how to maintain the tyres by avoiding sharp stones, poorly maintained roads, etc. 

More Information – Bike Tyre Levers

Yet it was only a matter of time until the consequences of natural wear and tear manifested on the tires and they needed replacement. 

So, what can you do to guarantee that your bike tires endure a long time and provide years of trouble-free service?

To begin, inspect them on a regular basis for any indicators of a problem so that you may get an overview of the issues. 

This should not be a superficial check, but rather one in which the tires are rolled and carefully examined. This is critical since anything left unattended may grow into something that is not only destructive to the bike but also dangerous to the rider. 

Minor nicks may be disregarded for a while, but when you reach the point where you can see the tire cords, you should know it’s time to replace them.

 You may find that you just need to change one of the tyres at a time. This is due to the unequal pressure that the tire has experienced. 

Another reason for having to change a tire is a puncture. A sharp item like a nail may inflict substantial damage to the tire, rendering it completely worthless and requiring a replacement.

If you find that the bike tires are frequently losing air, you must quickly isolate the hole in the tire and plug it. If the damage is limited to the inner tube, you may replace it and continue using the same tire. 

This may be accomplished by inspecting the inside of the tire, which is best done by a skilled wheel repairer.

When it comes to bike tires, a good starting point is to choose the appropriate kind based on how you want to ride your bike. 

Another important piece of advice is to have the correct air pressure at all times to guarantee that they always work perfectly.

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