Modern optical stores offer a wide range of ready-made glasses with diopters of any strength. The cost of such glasses depends on the frame material, lenses used, and protective coatings and compares favorably with the final cost of custom-made glasses. The ability to easily and quickly obtain a means of vision correction tempts you to skip a scheduled visit to the ophthalmologist and independently choose glasses in which you “see better”, relying only on your own feelings. In particular, the availability of same day eyeglasses makes this option even more appealing, offering instant solutions without the wait. Should you give in to the temptation and buy glasses without a doctor’s prescription, in which case the choice of ready-made glasses is justified and will not cause a decrease in visual acuity? Let’s explore!

Why do you need a prescription for same day eyeglasses?

The first glasses for vision correction should be purchased only with a prescription after consultation with an ophthalmologist. Correctly selected glasses are not only a means of vision correction but also a guarantee of good health. Low-quality glasses and optics purchased at random and without a prescription can cause vision loss, headaches, dizziness, and nausea. It is essential that your choice of same day eyeglasses be based on precise measurements and a current prescription. The ophthalmologist examines the distance between the pupils, assesses visual acuity, documents the existence of astigmatism, and makes other diagnoses. It is impossible to independently determine the value of diopters and the central distance. The prescription for making glasses reflects all the parameters that will help correct the patient’s vision, and help slow down the decline in acuity. If you have a prescription, you can make glasses to order, choosing the frame you like, or you can buy ready-made ones from the assortment presented.

You can buy ready-made glasses in a specialized salon only if they meet the requirements: diopter power, presence of recommended protective coatings, quality, and material of the frame. In the case when you have to choose not the first pair of glasses, you know the optical size, and the distance between the pupils, and you can pay attention to ready-made glasses in a specialized salon. Many salons now offer same day eyeglasses, ensuring you get quick access to vision correction without compromising on quality. A consultant will help you choose a frame that will not cause discomfort when using glasses and will tell you what coating is applied to the lenses during manufacture.

If you feel discomfort in the glasses prescribed by your doctor: the picture is not clear enough, you have to squint to read the text, or your eyes get tired – schedule a visit to an ophthalmologist for a vision diagnosis. Self-selection of glasses, which will be based on sensations, and not on the doctor’s recommendations, can aggravate the problem and cause a deterioration in the quality of life. Although same day eyeglasses can be a fast solution, ensuring they are correctly fitted and match your prescription is key to avoiding further eye strain or discomfort.

When it is not recommended to buy ready-made glasses

You can buy ready-made glasses in the frame you like if you know the diopter value. However, there are a number of vision defects when buying ready-made glasses is contraindicated:

  • Correction requires lenses of different diopter strengths;
  • Astigmatism was diagnosed;
  • The distance between the pupils differs from the standard;
  • Installation of aspherical or progressive lenses is required.

So, you can buy glasses without a prescription if you know the optical power, and the distance between the pupils, and are sure that there is no astigmatism or other defects. Some specialized salons provide same day eyeglasses for those with simple prescriptions, allowing for immediate correction. However, to find out these parameters and make sure that there are no pathologies of the visual organ, you will still have to visit an ophthalmologist. Before buying your first glasses, a doctor’s consultation is mandatory: a specialist will conduct diagnostics, write a prescription, and tell you which lenses to choose and which frames to pay attention to. When choosing glasses for vision correction, you need to rely on the results of a diagnostic examination and not your own feelings.

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