First established on November 30, 2022, ChatGPT emerged as a beacon of opportunity for SEO experts, lead chasers, and digital marketers. This amazing AI chatbot is already integrated into the workforce of big and small modern businesses. The term chatGPT for SEO has become a buzzphrase in the realm of SEO marketing. But there’s a heated debate. Whether is it wise to use AI-generated for search engine optimization, or is it a suicide move?

The competition is fierce online, so let’s not bury the lede here because most of the top-tier and affordable local seo California or other parts of the planet use chatGPT for content marketing. So If you’re looking for short answers, here it is:

ChatGPT is Horrible for SEO

yes, you’ve read that right. ChatGPT is an excellent tool for online marketing; still, it should be used with care and consideration because it lacks differentiation and uniqueness. If SEO is an uphill battle, you’ve landed on the right page. We are the best affordable seo services in Maryland, and here we will debunk the common myth that people have about chatGPT. Let’s dive deep into today’s article and learn how using chatGPT in your SEO practices can desert your page on Google’s SERPs.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a well-designed AI chatbot where GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained transformer”. ChatGPT is an accessible interface where users can ask questions to an AI model. ChatGPT works with LLM (Large Language Model), which gives you human-like responses and engages in conversational interactions with users. ChatGPT for SEO is trained on different ranges of internet text and has the ability to understand and generate text in a wide range of topics.

Why ChatGPT Is A Suicide Move for SEO?

First, let’s understand what SEO wants to achieve. At its core, SEO is a competitive realm of online marketing strictly focused on cutting through other websites in the search index. The only way you stand a chance to outshine your competitors is by offering high-quality and informative content. You may be tangled with that definition. Superience and high-quality content for whom? The user or Google’s crawler bot? In the broadest sense, let’s understand that Google is God for businesses working online, and white hat SEO is the sacred SEO practice that will help you to please this God so you can get blessed with high-ranking, good traffic and conversion rates.

ChatGPT for SEO lacks differentiation and uniqueness; it will serve you the same responses to the question, which is considered spam in SEO marketing. Google takes content seriously and strives to serve quality content so it can only serve informative and relevant content to its users. Using chatGPT is not the proper practice, and it exists in the core philosophy of SEO, from SEO’s perspective: To serve more detailed and better results.

Uniqueness Is The Key To SEO Writing

Google is crowded with billions of web pages screaming the same information in repeat, and Google doesn’t index the same thing over and over again. Users are searching for unique answers, different ideas, and opinions. Using chatGPT for SEO will kick you out of the league; Google can see your content is duplicate. Google uses tools and evaluates AI content based on repeated patterns in content.

If you want to rip off your competitor, blogging through chatGPT for SEO won’t work. The output must be high-quality content, or it won’t raise the meter for SEO.

Imagine this scenario: If your website starts publishing AI-generated content, your target audience might wonder why they shouldn’t just open a ChatGPT window and ask questions directly. After all, the responses they receive from ChatGPT would likely be similar, if not identical, to the content on your website.

Wrapping Up
In conclusion, using ChatGPT for SEO purposes is a risky move that can negatively impact your page’s visibility on Google’s SERPs. To truly excel in SEO and achieve sustainable success, it is advisable to employ affordable local SEO services Hawaii prioritizing uniqueness, quality, and user-centric content. Are you looking for cheap local seo California? No worries, we have got your back! We are a team of the best SEO experts with years of search engine optimization expertise. Be found, be chosen with our best seo services, and take your business to unprecedented heights.

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