Rubber wheel chocks will save your vehicle or fleet of vehicles in the utility or telephone industries, and you'll be glad you did. 

Not only will you be complying with OSHA specifications, but you'll also be ensuring that your truck will be protected from accidental movement. In case you aren't familiar with them, here's a bit of information.

Benefits of Rubber Wheel Chocks

Rubber wheel chocks are common in the service industry that serves residential (and sometimes commercial) properties. These are utilized each time a truck has been stopped, put in park, and the emergency brake engaged. 

In many cases, the chocks are strongly pressed against the center of the tire on both sides. The traction feature of Roadblock wheel chocks grabs the road without damaging it or the tire it is put against. 

A rubber wheel chock is strong and safe, and it is resistant to salts, oils, and fuels from the pickup and the location where it is placed. 

A handy carrying loop is a good thing for chocks—either that or a built-in handle for easier transport. Other characteristics of rubber wheel chocks include size and shape, heaviness, and gripping capacity.

Size, Shape, and Weight

Size, shape, and weight Rubber wheels are available in a wide range of sizes and can weigh a variety of amounts. Of course, the larger items will be heavier, but you could have the option of selecting whether the chock is solid, void, or hollow in its development. 

Even though the hollow version is still stable, it needs to be tested and taken into consideration how much the truck weighs. 

This void version still weighs a good seven pounds for a 10" x 8" x 5 12", with the solid version of the same chock at 10 pounds, while the 11" x 10" x 7.25," also with a voided bottom, weighs in at 15 pounds. 

The shape of the chock may also make a difference for you, as some chocks are symmetrical and can be placed on either side against the tire. Some of the larger chocks were made for larger, more industrial.

Gripping The Surface

Getting a Grip on the Surface As previously stated, a rubber wheel will grip the ground quite well, but a little help on slippery surfaces doesn't hurt. 

Optional grated or cleated accessories are available for some chocks. When on a high slope, a steel grate will adhere closer to the surface and can be more effective on gravel ground. 

A chock with an ice cleat will squeeze into the ice for the extra guarantee that it will retain if the weight or the grade is challenging. 

To conclude, if you work in the light truck business and are aware of OSHA regulations, give close attention to the standards for rubber wheel chocks.

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