Choosing the right student accommodation is a critical aspect of your university experience. The right place can enhance your academic performance, provide a comfortable living environment, and create opportunities for social interaction. Loughborough, known for its vibrant student community and prestigious university, offers a variety of accommodation options. This guide will help you understand what to look for in student accommodation in Loughborough, ensuring you make an informed decision.


The location of your accommodation is crucial for convenience and overall experience. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Proximity to Campus: Choose accommodation that is close to your university to save time and transportation costs. Being near campus also allows you to participate more easily in university events and activities.
  2. Access to Amenities: Ensure the area has easy access to supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, and public transportation.
  3. Safety: Research the safety of the neighborhood. Check crime rates and read reviews from current or past students to gauge the area’s safety.

Types of Accommodation

Understanding the different types of student accommodation can help you choose the best option for your needs:

  1. University Halls of Residence: These are on-campus accommodations provided by the university. They offer convenience, a sense of community, and easy access to campus facilities.
  2. Private Halls: Similar to university halls but operated by private companies. They often provide additional amenities such as gyms, study rooms, and social spaces.
  3. Shared Houses/Flats: Renting a room in a shared house or flat can be cost-effective and offer more independence. This option is popular among second-year and postgraduate students.
  4. Studios and Apartments: Ideal for students who prefer privacy. Studios and apartments offer self-contained living spaces with a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom.


Your budget is a significant factor in choosing accommodation. Consider the following:

  1. Rent: Determine how much you can afford to spend on rent each month. Include all possible expenses in your calculation.
  2. Utilities: Check if utilities (electricity, water, internet, etc.) are included in the rent. If not, estimate these costs separately.
  3. Deposit and Fees: Be aware of any security deposits and administrative fees required at the start of your lease.

Amenities and Facilities

The amenities and facilities available can greatly enhance your living experience. Look for the following:

  1. Furnished Rooms: Check if the accommodation is fully furnished or if you need to bring your own furniture.
  2. High-Speed Internet: Reliable internet is essential for studying and staying connected with family and friends.
  3. Laundry Facilities: On-site laundry facilities can save you time and money.
  4. Study Areas: Dedicated study spaces can help you focus on your academic work.
  5. Social Spaces: Common areas such as lounges and game rooms provide opportunities for socializing and relaxation.
  6. Gym and Fitness Facilities: Having access to a gym can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Safety and Security

Safety is paramount when choosing student accommodation. Ensure the following safety features are in place:

  1. Secure Entry Systems: Keycard or biometric entry systems prevent unauthorized access.
  2. CCTV Surveillance: Security cameras in common areas and entrances enhance safety.
  3. On-Site Security: Presence of security personnel adds an extra layer of protection.
  4. Fire Safety Measures: Check for smoke detectors, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers.

Community and Social Life

A vibrant community can significantly enhance your university experience. Look for accommodations that offer:

  1. Social Events: Regularly organized events and activities help you meet new people and build a social network.
  2. Support Services: Access to on-site support services, such as counseling and academic assistance, can be beneficial.
  3. Cultural Diversity: A diverse community can provide a richer cultural experience and broaden your perspectives.

Reviews and Recommendations

Before making a final decision, research reviews and recommendations from current or former residents:

  1. Online Reviews: Check online platforms for reviews and ratings of the accommodation.
  2. Word of Mouth: Speak to friends, classmates, or university advisors for their recommendations and experiences.
  3. Social Media Groups: Join student groups on social media to get honest feedback and advice.

Viewing the Property

If possible, visit the accommodation in person before signing a lease. Here’s what to check during your visit:

  1. Cleanliness and Maintenance: Ensure the property is clean and well-maintained.
  2. Room Size and Layout: Check if the room size and layout meet your needs.
  3. Noise Levels: Consider the noise levels, especially if you prefer a quiet study environment.
  4. Overall Vibe: Pay attention to the overall atmosphere and vibe of the place.

Sustainable Living

If sustainability is important to you, consider the following:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Look for accommodations with energy-efficient appliances and lighting.
  2. Recycling Facilities: Ensure there are proper recycling facilities available.
  3. Water Conservation: Check if the accommodation has water-saving fixtures.
  4. Green Spaces: Access to gardens or green spaces can enhance your living environment.


Choosing the right student accommodation in Loughborough involves careful consideration of various factors, including location, budget, amenities, safety, and community. By doing thorough research and utilizing reliable resources like Cloud Student Homes, you can find the perfect student accommodation Loughborough that meets your needs and enhances your university experience.

For more information and assistance in finding the perfect student accommodation, visit Cloud Student Homes.

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