You keep those things in hope that after many years down the lane when you look at them you will only remember the happiest moments of your life. It could be related to a birthday, anniversary, or another special date. We wish to remember the smallest and tiniest details of those special days. People keep things like gifts, pictures, cards and so much more. There is another way on how you can keep a part of that special day. 

A star map! A star map is basically a chart which has the exact location of the stars, planets and constellations on a given specific time and day. Let's say you would like to have a star map on the day you proposed to your partner, with the exact time and date of your proposal, the star map can be easily drawn. This is a nice personalized chart showcasing the important day of your life. 

How to Create your very own Star Map

Now let us look at how you can get your very own star map. Firstly log in to Whispering Homes. Go through our wide range of designs for your star map. We have themes like

Once you select the perfect theme, you will be required to provide the following details

  • Format

Select the format on which you would like to get your star map printed. You could choose from canvas and art paper. Both the papers have high quality. They only differ in terms of texture, size and look. Either way the print will look good on both these formats. 

  • Size

 Next choose the size you wish to have. The sizes for canvas and art paper are different. So based on the format you can choose the size. For canvas the sizes start from 16 inches  by 20 inches and end at 36 inches by 48 inches. For art paper the size ranges from 8 inches by 10 inches to 36 inches by 48 inches.

  • Frame

 After size choose the type of frame you would like. The frame choices range from colors to materials. You can choose from black, white, brown and wooden. The frames will highlight your map. You could also opt for no frame if you wish to choose a frame by your choice. 

  • Custom text

 You could write a personal message on the map as well. Something by which you will remember that day. It could be an inspiration, a quote or a message to your partner. Type that text and it will be printed on the map

  • City Name

 Make sure to remember the place where it all happened. Mention the name of that place. This will help create the exact star map. So add your precise location and watch. 

  • Date and Time

 Most important thing is the date and time. Note down the exact date and time of the particular event. This information will help in getting the exact star map for your. 

Once  you have submitted all the details, sit back and relax. You will receive your star map perfectly packed. It will capture the exact location of your stars on that particular day. It is definitely something to hold on to for a very long time. 

How to Create your very own Star Map

After you have received your map there are many things you could do with it. They work perfectly as wall decor. You could flaunt it to the world. If you have a smaller size you can keep it on your side table as well. You could also gift this precious gift to your partner 

It could have stars on the day you met them or your anniversary or any other special moment shared between the two of you. You can turn it into something meaningful as well as romantic link for shop.

  1. 1 The Elegant Star Map

    How to Create your very own Star Map

    Ever wished to remember the most beautiful moments of your life in a more creative and sweet way? Well, this is exactly what you will be surprised by. A beautiful customized star map specially designed to remember that one particular memory which is close to your heart and brings a smile to your face. You can easily get the name of a special place, date, and coordinates printed on it along with a beautiful quote of your wish. The blue-tinted background and constellation design make it a wonderful piece to adorn as a centerpiece in your home. Also, a great piece to use for gifting purposes.

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