Can’t sleep well lately? You’re not the only one. Daily life stress and late-night screens are big factors. The answer to sleeping better might surprise you. Adding more exercise each day could be just what you need.1

Studies show exercise really helps your sleep quality.1 It lowers stress for a calmer mind before bed.1 Besides, it uses up your extra energy, making you feel ready to sleep at night.1 And, it seems to improve sleep quality no matter when you work out.1

So, ready to get those Zs? Time to work out a bit. We’re here to show you easy exercises and chill methods to sleep better. This includes simple things like walking and jumping rope to serious training and being more limber. We’ve got everything you need to start.

Key Takeaways

  • Exercise can help reduce stress and burn more energy during the day, leading to better sleep at night.
  • Observational studies suggest that exercise promotes restful sleep regardless of the time of day it’s done.
  • Simple exercises like walking, jumping rope, and flexibility training can help improve sleep quality.
  • Incorporating relaxation techniques like controlled breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can also aid in better sleep.
  • Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and avoiding screens before bed are also important for improving sleep.

Understanding the Sleep-Exercise Connection

Keeping up with exercise greatly boosts how you sleep. The first source explains that working out lowers your stress levels. This can quiet your mind at night. It also helps you burn more energy daily. So, you’ll be naturally tired when night falls.2 Exercising gets your body moving, with an endorphin rush after workouts. And, it helps your body get used to a healthy sleep routine.

How Exercise Promotes Better Sleep

The second source dives deeper into the sleep-exercise link. It mentions how workouts keep your body’s clock on track. This makes your sleep schedule more steady.3 Also, the third source talks about how physical activity lifts your spirits. It cuts down on stress and worry. This can make your sleep better and your mind clearer.

The Endorphin Rush and Circadian Rhythm Benefits

Exercising releases endorphins, which calm you down. This can make it easier to fall asleep.2 Plus, exercising regularly helps set your body to a 24-hour clock. It makes sure your sleep and other functions stay in sync.2

Knowing how sleep and exercise are linked helps you use exercise to get better sleep. This improves your health and mood.

The Best Time to Exercise for Sleep

Research shows exercising can make a big difference in sleep.4 Morning routines improve how alert and happy we are. They also give better, deeper sleep and keep our sleep pattern stable.4 On the other hand, working out in the afternoon eases stress. This helps have a calm evening. But, it might make it harder to fall asleep right after due to being alert from the exercise.

Morning Exercise Benefits

Exercising in the morning leads to better sleep and a regular sleep schedule, says2. This is all because working out helps our body keep good time. This is called our circadian rhythm.2

Afternoon Exercise Advantages

Working out in the afternoon is also good for sleep, according to2. It cuts stress, making for a chill evening. This is great for those who find it hard to relax after a busy day.

Evening Exercise Considerations

Traditionally, people say to avoid exercising right before bed. But5 experts suggest working out 2 to 3 hours earlier is better for sleep.5 The2 source mentions evening workouts don’t always mess with sleep, as recent studies show. Yet, hardcore exercises can make it harder to fall asleep. They up body heat and excitement.2

Finding a regular exercise time can help improve your sleep.2 The point is, it’s more about sticking to a set exercise routine. This generally makes sleep better, no matter the time. Your personal habits and sleep rhythms should guide when you work out.

Risks of Exercising After Lack of Sleep

Exercise is great for boosting your sleep, but it’s risky without enough rest.6 Working out when you’re tired can strain your heart. This is especially true for intense exercises.6

Potential Heart Strain

Not getting enough sleep means your body hasn’t recovered fully. This leads to getting tired quicker and doing less in your workout.6 It also slows down how fast you react, which can lead to more injuries. This is especially true in fast-paced activities.67 A tired brain doesn’t think fast or talk well to your muscles. This could mess up how your body moves, increasing the chance of accidents.7

Decreased Energy and Endurance

Skipping sleep and overdoing exercise ends up hurting your performance and health.67

Increased Injury Risk

Not sleeping enough slows your reaction time, making injuries more likely.6 It confuses your brain and your muscles too. This messes with your coordination and makes accidents happen more.7

Walking: The Destressing Exercise

walking for sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping? The solution might be a simple one –8 a walk outside. Walking is a great way to relax, and it brings the added bonus of fresh air and exercise. This combination helps you get a good night’s sleep. The steady rhythm of walking can make falling asleep easier and improves the quality of your sleep.

Research shows that walking in natural places, like parks or on the beach, can be calming. It makes it easier to get ready for sleep. Want to walk to sleep better, walk to stress less, or walk before bedtime? This gentle activity can greatly help improve your sleep.

Jumping Rope: A Productive Distraction

Having trouble sleeping? Jumping rope could be the answer. It helps calm a busy mind before bed. The key is to keep track of your jumps. This takes your mind off stress and helps you relax.

Jumping rope is proven to be a great way to unwind. It’s like counting sheep but better. You focus on the rope’s movement. This simple act can make you feel ready for a peaceful sleep.

Research shows that jumping rope is good for sleep and mental health. It lowers stress hormones and makes you feel better.9 Plus, it improves mental health by fighting off depression. Doing it with others can make it even more beneficial.

Want an easy way to relax before bed? Try jumping rope. It’s good for sleep, calming the mind, and getting ready for bedtime. This fun exercise will help you wind down for a great night’s rest.

Strength Training: Burning Off Extra Energy

strength training for better sleep

Strength training helps a lot with sleep. Some think that tough workouts at night can mess up sleep.1 But, studies show doing lighter workouts before bed can be good.1

Bodyweight Strength Training

If you prefer a softer option, try bodyweight training. It’s a good way to use up extra energy.1 Doing exercises like pushups, squats, and lunges can help you relax for sleep.

Dumbbell and Kettlebell Workouts

Want a harder workout? Use dumbbells or a kettlebell. They can tire you out, making sleep easier.1 But, don’t overdo it right before bed. The rush can keep you up.10

The best routine is one that fits you and your sleep. Pick workouts that aren’t too tough or too late.10 These can boost how well you sleep and how long.

Flexibility Training: Relieving Achiness

Do you find it hard to sleep well because your body hurts and feels stiff? We have a solution for you. Try doing flexibility exercises before bedtime.11 This includes stretching and using a foam roller. These activities can ease tight joints and soften stiff muscles.

By stretching and rolling on a foam roller, you can lower muscle stress. This helps you relax more and sleep better at night.12

Stretching for Better Sleep

Experts say that spending 10 minutes on light stretching at night can really help.11 But ideally, you want to stretch for 30 minutes to an hour before bed. You can do each stretch two to three times, three to five times, or five to 10 times.11

This should focus on specific muscles, like those in your neck, shoulders, and back.11 Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds, and remember to breathe deeply. This makes the stretches more effective. Also, be careful not to stretch too hard. You should feel a gentle pull, not pain.

Neck stretches are especially good if you sit a lot or use a computer in a bad posture.12 Try moves like the Ear to Shoulder Neck Stretch. This and other similar exercises can ease neck tension for a better night’s sleep.12

Rolling your shoulders back and forth can reduce stress in your shoulders too.12 This is another good practice to add before bedtime.

Using a Foam Roller

A foam roller is also great for relaxing tight muscles, promoting a better sleep.12 It’s especially helpful for easing back pain and tension in the lower back, shoulders, and neck.13

Adding foam rolling to your stretching can add extra relief. It’s a good way to get ready for a calm night’s sleep.

trouble sleeping try these exercises

Having trouble sleeping or just looking to sleep better? Adding certain exercises to your day can really help. According to a study, yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates can boost your sleep.14

Yoga for Relaxation

Yoga mixes physical moves with breathing and calming the mind. It’s great for unwinding and relieving stress.14 The steady pace and deep breaths of yoga can quiet your thoughts and let you deeply relax. This can help you fall asleep and stay asleep easier.14

Tai Chi: “Meditation in Motion”

Tai Chi is like meditating while you move. It’s slow and smooth, easing away stress and worry.2 The gentle motions and slow breaths of Tai Chi can calm you deeply. This helps your body get into a better sleep pattern.15

Pilates for Core Strength and Flexibility

Pilates is another exercise that focuses on how you breathe. It can leave you feeling calm after.14 It strengthens your core and makes you more flexible. This means fewer body aches that might keep you up at night.2 Doing Pilates in the evening can prepare your body for sleeping well.

Adding yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates to your daily routine can do wonders for your sleep. These exercises help you relax and lower stress. They also help set your body’s clock for better sleep.15

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation, or PMR, is a powerful method for improving how well you sleep. It works by tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups. This helps people feel what muscle tension is like and leads to deep relaxation.16

Studies show that activities like PMR prompt the body to relax. This makes it easier to fall asleep quickly. Furthermore, PMR can make your heart beat slower, lower your blood pressure, and reduce how fast you breathe. All of this helps in having a more peaceful night’s sleep.16

Expert Luis F. Buenaver suggests practicing gentle breath awareness and PMR for about 20 to 25 minutes daily. You should do this for two weeks. Afterwards, find the best relaxation technique that suits your needs. It could help lessen anxiety and fight off insomnia.17

PMR is also great at easing stress and anxiety, two big sleep disrupters. By working through muscle groups, it brings deep calm. This calm makes it easier to both drift off to sleep and sleep soundly all night.14

Adding PMR to your routine, along with diaphragmatic breathing and yoga nidra, can greatly improve your sleep quality. Doing these regularly is key. It’s much more helpful over the long term than doing it once or twice.14


We’ve looked at many ways to help you improve your sleep and stop restless nights. From walking to jumping rope, and from strength training to flexibility training. Also, practices like yoga and Tai Chi help a lot. Adding regular exercise to your day can really change your sleep.18 Knowing the best time to work out and the risks of doing it with little sleep can make your sleep and exercise work better.18

Trying sleep exercises, bedtime yoga, and relaxation techniques can also improve your sleep. And doing things like sleeping at the same time every day, using natural sleep aids, and not looking at screens before bed can make a big difference.19 This way, you can get better sleep and feel rested and fresh in the morning.18

To sleep better, you need to use a mix of exercise, relaxing, and healthy habits. Try the tips we shared to see what helps you sleep. Being consistent and patient can really make you sleep better and improve how well you sleep overall.

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