. A well lit room is always pleasing and attractive. Using a combination of different lights can create an amazing ambience. You can use various types of lights such as ambient lights, mood lights, task lights, general lights and much more. This way your room will have a unique sense of depth. Especially in your dining room. They make the dining space look beautiful.

Dining room is a space where you eat, relax, talk your heart out, read and do so much more. So it is very important to choose the right type and style of lights in your dining space. You can have a look at the collection provided by Whispering Homes. 

Here are a few tips and ideas on how you can beautify your dining room. 

Curved Look

The right type of light depends on the type and style of the furniture in that space. If your entire space is following a particular theme and style, then it is always a good idea to follow that theme. So before choosing a light, decide the style.

If you happen to follow an organic or curved style then choose lights accordingly. For a round dining table, choose curved lights. Whispering Homes has a few options you can look at.

These are a few examples you can look at for some curved lights. 

Bigger the Better 

Why hide your lights when you can go big and flaunt them. Use of some nice chandeliers will add a good amount of character to your dining space. Hanging them right in the center is a good idea. This way your dining room will look after a big light in the center is just amazing. 

You can look at some amazing chandeliers on their website as well. 

These lamps will definitely highlight your dining space with a little drama added to it.

Fusion of Shapes

If your design or style involves shapes or geometry then this idea will be perfect for you. Instead of having one big chandelier you choose a couple of hanging lights with different shapes is also good enough. You can either go with a group of similar shaped lights or a fusion of two or three shapes. 

These combinations will look unique and beautiful. On Whispering Homes you will find a similar type of lights.

These are some lamps which are available in different sizes and shapes. They will create a nice fusion of lamps for your space. 


You can opt for some minimal themed lights. If your overall style is minimalistic, then these types of lights will make your space look elegant. These could be sleek and simple. At times, even these lights will highlight your entire space. Hanging these lights on your dining table will look beautiful. 

You can find such elegant and beautiful designs on their website. 

These are minimal yet very elegant designs. They will not look boring or overpower the space and design. They are just perfect for minimal designs and minimal space. 

Glam Up

If you are not exactly a simple, elegant, minimalistic design person, then here is how you can glam up your dining space. Use crystal embedded chandeliers. Some large and luxurious looking chandeliers will look extravagant and glamorous. Hanging one of these chandeliers right in the center will change the look of the entire dining space. 

Here are a few options you can look at and make a decision.  

They are not just glamorous but very unique and beautiful. They have the exact amount of glam required for a dining room. It is the perfect royal looking ambience. 

Beyond Central Light 

Why just stop at using one central light. You can spice up the place by using many other lighting options. Instead of using a central light, you can opt for some floor lights or multiple dim lights. These lights will act as a source of ambient and mood lights as well. This will create a beautiful looking ambience. 

These lamps will create a nice asymmetrical balance in your dining room. A mixed combination of floor lamp and wall lamp will look amazing. 

Element of Surprise

Don't forget to add an element of surprise to lights as well. Having an unexpected piece of light or decor will create a wow factor. Your guests will not only be impressed but also talk about that element. You can use unique statement pieces to get that reaction. 

 They are little accent lights which add to the element of surprise. These lights will not just highlight the space but will emphasize all your beautiful interiors. It will make the space look amazing without taking away the attention from your decor and furniture. 

Beautify your dining room with lights

Mix and Match

Always match your lights to your interiors. Having one or two statement pieces or bold decor is good but overdoing it will ruin the entire theme. So make sure your lamp also fits into style and theme. You can go a little towards contrast as well. But should still fit into your space. 

These lamps are a little different but will go with most of your interior spaces. Their designs are a mixture of modern and vintage. So if you want your lamps to stand out a bit you can opt for these types of lamps. 

All these ideas and tips will help you create the dining space of your dreams. 

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