The solution to this problem is switching to dried grass and dried flowers. They require almost no maintenance and are long lasting. So now it is very easy and convenient to decorate your space using dried grass and dried flowers. Dried flowers are known to everyone whereas dried grass or pampas grass is a relatively new concept. 

Pampas grass or scientifically known as cortaderia selloana is just what you need in your space. These dried pampas grasses have a very elegant look. They come in various sizes and colors. You can buy pampas grass online as well. You can decorate your space using these pampas grasses. They would create a nice highlight. You can add a little drama by using some bold colored pampas grass. The reason why they are the perfect for decorating is that they can be used for any style and however you want to use them. They can be subtle, luxurious, premium and a lot more. 

Here are a few ways on how you can use dry pampas grass for decorating your space.

  • Seasonal decor

 We all love to change our decor according to the seasons. We all love seasonal changes in our home. This is the perfect chance to add dried pampas. You can change it according to what you feel about the season. If it is autumn, you can use natural brown and red colors. Spring can have multiple colors and so on.

  • Dark and bold decor

 Centerpieces add a lot of character to the space. You can use dark colored pampas grass to create some bold and interesting centerpieces for your living room. You can also use them as some gorgeous looking statement pieces for your space. These bold colors will also add an amazing look.

  • Simple and elegant decor 

 If a subtle and elegant look is your go to style, then pampas grass would be your favorite. You can use subtle colored grasses and create an amazing classy and elegant look. These dried grasses can be used anywhere in your space for this look. You would love the vibe they would create. 

  • Natural and neutral decor

 You can opt for some natural look by using natural colored pampas grass. The neutral and natural color will give your space a nice organic look. The entire space will look very natural and orange. You can use many neutral colors to amplify the look. You can use a bunch of these dried grasses to make it look beautiful. 

  • Over the top decor

Do you like going overboard while decorating your space? If yes then this is for you. You can keep them on your dining table, side table, coffee table, corners, stairway and many more. You could also keep big fluffy grasses to grab that attention. Keeping them in many places will enhance the style you are following. 

  • Unique vases

 Vases also play an important role in how dried pampas grass looks in your space. You can either go for unique looking pampas grass or opt for a unique vase. The choice of vase could be according to the style of your interiors. They will also look gorgeous. Natural Dried grass would be the best suitable as they would not completely draw away the attention from your unique vase. 

  • Colorful decor

 If you like something extravagant then this will be your go to style. You can go all out while using pampas grass. They would not only add color but also add so much value to your space. You can get a lot of different colors. You can use multiple colors together. Combine a variety of colors to create a look that you love the most.

  • Hanging decor

 Pampas grass is not just to be kept in a vase. You can also decorate your walls using pampas grass. You can use them as wall decor as well. Hang them as a wreath on your door or at your entrance. You could also hang them in various styles on your wall. The look it would create would be amazing.

  • Layered decor

 Layers look good in any style. You cam layer fabric, decor and even pampas grass. Layering adds depth to your space. Layer your dried grass as well. You add different heights or even use different vases for the same. This would not just look great but have an amazing visual depth. 

  • Mix and match

 If you like multiple different things, then do not be scared of mixing and matching. Mix and match works well if you are following multiple styles. Pampas grass would blend into many styles at once. Using these various different types of pampas grass will look unique and perfect for your space. 

These are a few ways you can decorate or revamp your space using pampas grass. These aren't the only ways to use them. Follow what you love and what would look good in your space. Pampas grass can be used very flexibly. That way your home will look beautifully decorated. 

  1. 1 Dried Fern Asparagus - Blue

    Creative ways to highlight your space using pampas grass

    It's time to step out of the usual and experiment with your home decor with this beautiful dried fern asparagus grass. Radiating a rich blue color and super soft texture, it's an ideal accent to use as filler in your DIY flower arrangements. You can also adorn it in tall vases and display in entryways, staircases, etc. Perfect to add visually interesting vibes in your living space, it's long-lasting and requires minimal maintenance. You can also choose it for gifting your loved ones on special occasions.

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